La Vista Babysitting Service
SeekingSitters of La Vista is
part of a Nationally Recognized, Award-Winning Sitter Referral Service.
SeekingSitters of La Vista refers Certified Professional La Vista Sitters to
residents and visitors to La Vista. SeekingSitters of La Vista specializes in
providing sitters on a Full-Time, Part-Time, One-Time,
or even Last
Minute basis for babysitting/nanny, pet
sitting, house
sitting, and study support.
All of our
Certified Professional La Vista Sitters are personally interviewed and
reference checked by owner Annette Shukry. All sitters must pass a Background
Investigation performed by a Licensed Private Investigator as part of our
Customized Background Investigations. La Vista Sitters are also required to be
at least 18 years old, have current First Aid & CPR Certifications, and
have significant babysitting experience.
SeekingSitters of La
Vista does all of the work for you! As a Member of SeekingSitters, all you have
to do is log onto your online account and request an La Vista Sitter for the
day and time of your need and SeekingSitters handles the rest. After becoming a
Member, you can view the profile of each La Vista Sitter, see their picture,
read reviews from other members, and set your La Vista Sitter preferences.
Online scheduling of a La Vista Sitter is as easy as clicking a mouse and you
will receive an email confirmation once a La Vista Sitter has been assigned to
your sitting event.
Once you have
signed up for your SeekingSitters Membership you will have access to
SeekingSitters nationwide! No matter where you travel, you will get the same
convenience and outstanding service you've come to expect with SeekingSitters
of La Vista.
SeekingSitters is
also a great alternative to La Vista childcare centers, or La Vista daycare centers.
With SeekingSitters you have the convenience of having a sitter/nanny when you
need one, and you avoid the substantial time and expense of acquiring and
retaining other childcare options. SeekingSitters understands the importance of
consistency for your family, so we make every effort to assign your preferred
sitters to your requested sitting events.
La Vista Sitters
are also available for overnight events! Whether you have an overnight business
trip or are in need of a parent get away, our sitters can take care of your
children, pets, and home while you are away. SeekingSitters of La Vista can
even schedule to have your favorite sitter accompany your family on your next
vacation or weekend trip! You can enjoy the convenience and flexibility that
comes with having a "Vacation Nanny!
We look forward to
working with you and referring one of our Professional Certified Sitters to
your family soon!